Transforming Operational Training with Virtual Reality
2 min readMay 7, 2024

In the rapidly changing business world of today, operational training has become more crucial than ever. With the high risk of expensive errors and downtime, companies are adopting immersive learning techniques to provide their employees with practical experience and immediate feedback. This modern approach ensures that employees are equipped with the essential skills needed to succeed in today's challenging work environment.

Immersive Learning: Safe and Effective Training

Virtual Reality (VR) operational training creates a safe and controlled environment for employees to hone their skills on demand. By simulating dangerous or challenging scenarios, VR reduces the need for expensive and time-consuming physical training. This technology allows businesses to deliver a realistic learning experience, empowering employees with the confidence and expertise needed for real-world challenges.

From flying an aircraft to managing customer service situations, VR technology covers a diverse range of operations. For example, Walmart has leveraged immersive learning for training its associates in managing customer Pickup Towers, a key in-store technology for online order pickup. Previously, launch coaches would visit each store to conduct day-long training sessions involving eLearning, hands-on practice, and launch kit training.

Revolutionizing Training with Immersive Learning

With VR, Walmart significantly reduced the time required for Pickup Tower training — from 8 hours to just 15 minutes. This efficiency not only saves time but also eliminates the need for launch coaches to travel to different store locations, resulting in substantial cost savings.

This use of immersive learning showcases how businesses can modernize their training methods for better results in less time. By integrating VR operational training into their programs, companies can boost employee preparedness, build expertise, and enhance overall performance.

Is your business ready to revolutionize operational training? Discover the benefits of immersive learning and VR technology to transform your workforce and drive efficiency. Embrace the future of training today and empower your employees for success.
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Immersive Future with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality